Precision Cooling As a Service

Precision Cooling as a Service, offered by NPS, delivers a comprehensive and hassle-free solution for maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels within data center environments. Our service ensures that critical IT infrastructure remains protected against overheating and performance degradation, minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency. Whether you require temporary cooling solutions for events or long-term cooling infrastructure without the burden of ownership, our service delivers reliable precision cooling tailored to your specific needs.

Tahukah Anda bahwa tak sedikit pebisnis mengalami kesulitan ketika hendak memilih Data Center Umumnya hal ini berkaitan dengan keterbatasan anggaran bisnis Di sisi lain Anda membutuhkan spesifikasi Data Center yang tinggi untuk mendukung kegiatan bisnis Tentunya hal ini makin memperbesar biaya yang diperlukan

Key Features

Customized Precision Cooling Solutions

Installation and Configuration

Real-Time Monitoring and Management

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance

Remote Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Energy Efficiency Optimization

Scalability and Redundancy

Expert Support and Consultation


Improved Reliability


Cost Savings

Scalability and Flexibility

Peace of Mind